Chin Chen Chong

Chen Chong has a MBA (UK), Bachelor in Electronics Engineering (UK) and a Diploma in Electronics. My work experience has been based knowledge covering the total semiconductor supply chain. More importantly, coupled with my strong passion and business acumens, I have translated these valuable skills and operational principles to successful breakthrough programs. Currently, I am the Director of Risk Management with SSMC, which is an advanced multi-billion dollar semiconductor wafer fabrication company. My key responsibility is on Business Continuity Management, Security, Information security management and Environmental, Health and Safety. I therefore led in the company wide BCM program management developing the coordinators and hands-on risk analysis, BIA etc and development the BCM culture. I have also mastermind and conducted company-wide exercises on Fire, Pandemic Flu and IT Disaster Recovery successfully. Our nature of business has also exposed us in actual incidents management where we exercised our BCP plans during power outages and more recently, the economic crisis and the H1N1. Prior to this job rotation, I was Director of Industrial Engineering when I was instrumental in leading the challenging startup operation, capacity expansion, investment planning, productivity management, standard costing, cost and improvement. I was also responsible for making strategic plans to drive cost excellence and managing our sales margin including merger and acquisition options and portfolio management. In my previous work experiences, I had nurtured Philips’ global design for manufacturing, process standardization; cycle time and productivity; assets management and supply base standardization; and smartly managing complex fast paced global projects. Such mastery of the management-people chemistry and, coupled with the passion to succeed had brought many proud success stories. Our industrial bases were transformed beyond boundaries into a formidable worldwide supply chain delivering best-in-class quality, cost and delivery. I hence possess a strong BCM skill well packaged and supported by a vast operational experience. This has attributed to the great success and competency in SSMC’s BCM maturity.
Past Employment
- Director, Risk Management, Systems on Silicon Mfg Coy PL (SSMC)
- Director, Industrial Engineering and Planning, SSMC – 1999 – 2006
- Director, Global Business Program, Philips Singapore 1992- 1999
- Manager, CTS 1990-1991
- Manager, Systems Development, International Video Products 1988-1990
- Section Manager, Fairchild/AT&T Microelectronics 1980 -1987
- Master in Business Administration
University of Brunel (United Kingdom)
- B Eng (Electronics)
University of Essex (United Kingdom)
- Diploma (Electronics and Communication)
Singapore Polytechnic
Professional Certification & Achievements
- Certified Fire Safety Manager, Singapore Civil Defence Force
- Passed DRII BCLE 2000
- Emergency Response Commander, Singapore Aviation Center
- Project Management, Kepner Tregoe
Presentation & Publications
- Patent Granted
“Capacity Management in a Wafer Fabrication Plant” USA 2006 Patent No 7142937
- Papers Published
Co-authored the following papers presented in renowned international symposiums
- 1.“Productivity Improvement in Semiconductor Fabrication Plant”, International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Microelectronics, Singapore 6-7 October 2005.
- 2.“Queue Time Improvement Through Simulation Techniques” Winter Simulation Conference, Germany, 2006
- 3.“Computer Aided Quality Assurance System”, International Symposium on IC Design and Manufacturing, Singapore, 21-22 May 1987.
- 4.“Computer Aided Integration of IC Testing’, IEEE Asian Electronics Conference, Hong Kong, 1-4 Sept 1987.
- 5.“Computer-Aided Direct Test to Ship System”, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Munich, West Germany, 25-29 Oct
- Singapore National Award
Awarded PBM by the President of Singapore 2001