Part 3: Minimum Resources Required v2

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Part 3: Minimum Resources Required

This template is used to assess minimum resources required to carry out crisis response and recovery of critical business functions during a disaster.

Note that the text in italics serves as supporting instructions for participants attending and attempting BCM Institute's Blended Learning assignment

Part 3: Minimum Resources Required

Business Function (Col 2)

  • Name of business function. Refer to the BIA questionaire for the original Business functions to be used in the Business Continuity Strategy section.
  • State a name or identifier (of up to 3 words).
  • Note (1): Usually, the number of business functions should average around 5 functions and should not be expected to exceed 15. “Nice to have”/”convenient business functions” should be omitted during the final submission in the Business Continuity Strategy phase. Minor business functions that could be accurately grouped into a single bigger function are strongly encouraged.

Recovery Location (Col 3)

Recovery Location is the location to continue recovery work processes following a disruption. The recovery work location may include the following:

  • Alternate Site
  • Home
  • Another Office
BL-B-5 Click to know more
  • Recovery Location refers to the alternate site/place where staff will go during the event of workplace disruption. Some examples include:
    • Home
    • Alternate Office
    • Customer Site
    • Supplier Site
  • If applicable, staff from the same department can go to multiple recovery locations. For example, 2 staff can return home to resume work, while another 2 may be needed at the alternate office

Minimum Resources Required per function for recovery (Col 4 to 7)

Minimum Recovery Resources are established for critical business functions and crisis response, as only critical business functions shall be recovered during a disaster. The minimum recovery resources are assessed over a period based on the duration of the Planning Time Horizon.

The Minimum resources Required is divided into 4 different categories of resources

  • Staff (Col 4)
  • Seats (Defined here as a work desk and a chair) (Col 5)
  • Phones (Defined here as a landline phone) (Col 6)
  • Laptops/Computers (Defined here as a working desktop computer and/or laptop independent of the one staff already have with them) (Col 7)

Minimum Resources Required per function for recovery

Refer to column 4 to 7 of the Template BCS 2: Recovery Strategies and Justification

  • Number of Staff

Indicate the minimum number of staff required to perform the CBF.

  • Number of Seats

Indicate the minimum number of seats required for critical staff to perform the CBF at an offsite location. Offsite location may include alternate site, displacement site, and business centre.

  • Number of Telephones

Indicate the minimum number of telephones (fixed-line) required to continue the CBF.

  • Number of PCs

Indicate the minimum number of PCs required for performing the CBF.

Rationalised Total

Refer to the last three rows of the Template BCS 2: Recovery Strategies and Justification

  • Site 1

State office building’s name where this business unit has critical business functions operate.

  • Site 1 Rationalized Total

This is a rationalized total for site 1 rather than a cumulative total after taking into consideration that resources could be shared among multiple functions within the same site.

  • Site 2

If this business unit has critical functions operating in more than one office building, state the name of the 2nd office building where it has a presence.

  • Site 2 Rationalized Total

This is a rationalized total for site 2.

  • Grand Total

This is a rationalized total at the business unit level in consideration of all critical business functions’ recovery requirements from multiple sites.

If this business unit has critical functions operating in 2 sites, e.g. Site 1 and Site 2, considerations should be given as below:

  • If both sites are located in the same disaster zone, i.e. both are subject to the same threat as they are in the same flood or earthquake zone or in the same power grid or telecom exchange, the Grand Total would be a cumulative total of both sites’ total.
  • If both sites are not in the same disaster zone, thus are not subject to the same threat, the Grand Total shall be the highest number of each site.

Others (Col 8)

State any additional equipment each function needs in this column

Instruction to BL-B-3/5 M2 and WSQ-BCM-320 M2-S1 Participant

The section is for participants attending the BL-B-5 Module 2 or WSQ-BCM-310 Module 2 Session 1 facilitated workshop, this is the additional instruction to complete your Business Continuity Strategy assignment.

Refer to the text of each of the sections within this page which are highlighted in italics for further explanation when attempting the assignment.


Resources required for recovering non-critical business functions will only be established during the Extended Planning stage if the organization’s Top Management decides to recover certain non-critical business functions due to adjustment on recovery priority or they detect the disaster time period may last longer than the original planning time horizon of the Key Planning Scenario.