Competency Level (CL)

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Gain A Global Certification via Blended Learning
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Competency Level Menu | CL 1B | CL 2B | CL 3B | CL 1C | CL 2C | CL 3C | CL 1CC | CL 2CC | CL 3CC | CL 1D | CL 2D | CL 3D | CL 1OR | CL 2OR | CL 3OR | CL 2A | CL 3A
Body of Knowledge Menu| BoK 1 | BoK 2 | BoK 3 | BoK 4 | BoK 5 | BoK 6 | BoK 7

Level of Expertise Menu | KNOW | DO | MANAGE

Certification Model Overview
Certification Model Overview

Competency Building Blocks

The Competency Level (CL) is a set of building blocks for BCM Institute's training and certification requirement. Each subject domain is broken into three distinct levels: Foundation (CL 1), Intermediate (CL 2) and Advanced (CL 3). There breakdown are as follows:

  • CL 1B, CL 2A and CL 3A for BCM Audit domain;
  • CL 1B, CL 2B and CL 3B for business continuity domain;
  • CL 1C, CL 2C and CL 3C for crisis management domain;
  • CL 1CC, CL 2CC and CL 3CC for crisis communication domain;
  • CL 1D, CL 2D and CL 3D for disaster recovery domain; and
  • CL 1OR, CL 2OR and CL 3OR for operational resilience domain respectively.

The arrangement of the tiers represents the increasing level of specificity and specialization of the BCM audit (A), business continuity (B), crisis management (C), crisis communication(CC), and disaster recovery (D) skills and knowledge content.

BCM Institute Certification and Competency Level Model


BCM Institute: Detailed Training Program

This content is strictly for participants of the Institute's training program and use only.

Business Continuity Management

Viewing the diagram, the domain of CL_1B:_Foundation_(BC) will be taught in the foundation course (BCM-230: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems Planner course preparing for the BCCP certification exam). This is followed by:

Crisis Management

Viewing the diagram, the domain of CL_1C:_Foundation_(CM) will be taught in the foundation course (CM-200 Crisis Management Planner course preparing for the CMCP certification exam). This is followed by:

Crisis Communication

Viewing the diagram, the domain of CL_1CC:_Foundation_(CC) will be taught in the foundation course (CM-200 Crisis Communication Planner course preparing for the CCCP certification exam). This is followed by:

Disaster Recovery

As for the disaster recovery courses, the domain of:

BCM Audit

As for the BCM Audit courses, the BCM Body of Knowledge Audit (BCMBoK Audit) domain of:

Operational Resilience

This is still under construction

As for the Operational Resilience courses, the BCM Body of Knowledge Operational Resilience (BCMBoK Operational Resilience) domain of:

Click to know more about expert level training

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Your Crisis Management Plan