Dr Goh Moh Heng's Key Messages and Ideas

From BCMpedia. A Wiki Glossary for Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery (DR).
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This section is reserved as my private discussion area. It is a reflection of some of the discussions with the many people that I had the opportunity to meet every day (physically and virtually) in the field of business continuity and disaster recovery. One of the practice that I will be adopting is the training that I had during the pursue of my PhD, I have the honour of supervised by two gurus in Action research and Action Learning. They are Professor Bob Dick and Professor Alan Davis, both renown expert in the field of action research. The key is to perform a "Critical Reflection = Plan->Act->Critical Review". This section looks like a Blog (perhaps later) but it is more as a open platform to reflect some of my personal views and share with some of my friends

Back to Basic: BCM and DR Glossary (28th August 2008)

  • Refection into History

I am saddened by the fact that this industry is more than 30 years old and we are still discussing about what is business continuity and disaster recovery. It brings me to a point whereby we are pretty partisan when it comes to training in our respective countries and organizations. This comment is a criticism but an encouragement for us as professionals to resolve these basic issues in any profession. Hence, since we have this discussion on our BCM Institute Forum.

  • "It is easy to tell everybody about the problem"

During my travel around the world, I have heard from a lot complainers. Nevertheless, sitting down complaining is perhaps not the most intelligent thing to do and with the help and hard work of my colleagues in BCM Institute, we are launching a dictionary for business continuity management and disaster recovery. Staying away from party lines and Regardless of which institute you belong to (which we should in the name of BCM), I have also include the explanation from the institutes such as BCI, DRII, ASIS and also from standards such as the BS25999, TR19, NFPA 1600. These eight weeks of effort is perhaps the starting of our own industry Wikipedia which we call called BCMpedia.

  • My Dream Forward

This is the first installment on this topic as there are several initiatives that will follow from the launch of the BCMpedia. I sincerely hoped that in the true Wiki spirit, this BCMpedia will help standardize the terminology used within any organization. This BCMPedia will not be the "cure all" but rather a journey for all of us to consolidate and become a true profession when we are expressing ourselves to our colleagues and newcomers to this industry.

Note: Part of this note is highlighted as a reply to the forum in the topic of "What is the difference between DR and BC?"