Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

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1. Emergency Operations Centre or EOC is a physical or virtual facility site from which response teams exercise direction and control in an emergency or disaster.
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Note (1): The Crisis Management Team may be located in the EOC or Command Centre.

Note (2): The Emergency Operations Support Team is the team that provides administrative and logistics support to the Emergency Operations Centre (or Command Centre) and the Crisis Management Team.

Similar Term: Command Centre
Related Term: Command Centre Operations Support Team, Emergency Operations Support Team

Crisis Communication Professional Training and Certification
BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 5: Plan Development CL 2B: Intermediate (BC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 5: Plan Development CL 2C: Intermediate (CM)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 5: Plan Development CL 2CC: Intermediate (CC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 5: Plan Development CL 2D: Intermediate (DR)
Click to know more about expert level training

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. A site from which plan execution teams exercise direction and control in an emergency or disaster.

A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Your Crisis Communications Plan

(Source: Singapore Standard 540 - SS 540:2008)

3. See: Command Centre (CC), Emergency Command Centre (EEC), Command, Control and Co-ordination,

(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)

4. An Emergency Operations Centre is a site from which response teams/officials (municipal, county, state and federal) provide direction and exercise control in an emergency or disaster.

(Source: Disaster Recovery Institute International / Disaster Recovery Journal - DRII/DRJ)

5. An Emergency Control Centre (ECC) is a Command Centre used by the Crisis Management Team during the first phase of an event. An organization should have both primary and secondary locations for an ECC in case one of them becomes unavailable/inaccessible. It may also serve as a reporting point for deliveries, services, press and all external contacts.

(Source: Disaster Recovery Institute International / Disaster Recovery Journal - DRII/DRJ)

6. Process by which a business continuity plan is reviewed in accordance with a predetermined schedule and modified in light of such factors as new legal or regulatory requirements, changes to external environments, technological changes, test/exercise results, personnel changes, etc.

(Source: ASIS International - ASIS International)

7. 1) A facility either static or mobile from which the total operation or aspects of the operation are managed. 2) A facility established to control and coordinate the response and support to an incident or emergency. 3) Also known as an incident control centre,agency operations centre and forward control centre.

(Source: Australia. A Practitioner's Guide to Business Continuity Management HB292 - 2006 )

8. A site from which response teams/officials (municipal, county, state and federal) provide direction and exercise control in an emergency or disaster. See Emergency Control Centre, Crisis Centre, Crisis Room, Incident Room.

(Source: The Emergency Planning Society)

(Source: ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency. BCM & Resilience Glossary)