OR BoK 2: Implement

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OR-ORA Body of Knowledge Menu| Phase 1: Plan OR BoK 1 to 5 | Phase 2: Implement OR BoK 6 to 10 | Phase 3: Sustain OR BoK 11 to 15]

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Certification Model OR CL
Certification Model OR CL
OR Planning Methodology Overview]Click to know more about Operational Resilience Planning Metholodogy
OR Planning Methodology Overview]Click to know more about Operational Resilience Planning Metholodogy


1. Operational Resilience Body of Knowledge Domain P2 or OR BoK P2 provides the minimum expectation for an OR or ancillary professional in the [Implement] Phase of the OR Planning Methodology.

BCM Institute's Professional Training and Certification

OR BoK 6: Identify Critical Business Services

  • Determine which business services are critical

OR BoK 7: Map Processes and Resources

  • Map the resources (people, processes, technology, facilities and information) necessary to support the delivery of products and services.

OR BoK 8: Set Impact Tolerance

  • Assess how a disruptive event impacts business services and justify the acceptable impact tolerances.

OR BoK 9: Conduct Scenario Testing

  • Test the organisation's ability to manage service delivery within impact tolerance in different scenarios.

OR BoK 10: Improve Lesson Learnt

  • Improve and communicate remediation and vulnerabilities after scenario testing.
A Manager’s Guide to Operational Resilience (eBook)
Click to know more about OR training

Operational Resilience Body of Knowledge Domain P2: Implement Phase Definitions

Operational Resilience

OR P1 CL One (1) | * OR P1 CL Two (2) | * OR P1 CL Three (3) | * OR P2 CL One (1) | * OR P2 CL Two (2) | * OR P2 CL Three (3)

Operational Resilience Audit

ORA P1 CL One (1) | * ORA P1 CL Two (2) | * ORA P1 CL Three (3) | * ORA P2 CL One (1) | * ORA P2 CL Two (2) | * ORA P2 CL Three (3)

Operational Resilience P2 Implement Phase BoK 6 to 10 [Under Construction]

OR P2 BoK 6 Apply for Certification Identify Critical Business Services [P2-S1] https://blog.bcm-institute.org/operational-resilience/apply-for-certification-identify-critical-business-services

OR P2 BoK 6 Implementing Operational Resilience https://blog.bcm-institute.org/operational-resilience/implementing-operational-resilience

Operational Resilience P1 Plan Phase BoK 1 to 5 [Under Construction]

OR P1 ORBoK 1 | * OR P1 ORBoK 2 | * OR P1 ORBoK 3 | * OR P1 ORBoK 4 | * OR P1 ORBoK 5

Operational Resilience P2 Implement Phase BoK 6 to 10 [Under Construction]

OR P2 ORBoK 6 | * OR P2 ORBoK 7 | * OR P2 ORBoK 8 | * OR P2 ORBoK 9 | * OR P2 ORBoK 10

Operational Resilience P3 Sustain Phase BoK 11 to 15 [Under Construction]

OR P2 ORBoK 11 | * OR P2 ORBoK 12 | * OR P2 ORBoK 13 | * OR P2 ORBoK 14 | * OR P2 ORBoK 15