Part 5: Crisis Communication Checklist v2

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Part 5: Crisis Communication Checklist

Before going public, the Crisis Communication Checklist exists to ensure that no step is left out during the development, implementation, and standing down of your communication efforts before, during, and after a crisis

Sample Crisis Communication Checklist

Use this checklist as a starting point for the development of your organization’s crisis communication plan. One approach is to have the Before Going Public and Going Public. Another approach is to adopt the conventional Crisis Communication checklist "Before, During and After" a crisis.

Before Going Public

  • Determine crisis communications lead person who is responsible for ensuring all tasks are completed (most likely the director of communications).
  • Determine the crisis communication spokesperson who will answer all media and other inquiries (most likely the president and/or CEO).
  • Assess the situation to determine the facts
  • Determine appropriate response/action
  • Create a plan of action for internal and external communications.
  • Develop factual, detailed messages that reflect the status of the crisis, the Association’s response, and, if possible, proactive steps to resolve the situation.
  • Prepare talking points and provide a script for the receptionist receiving incoming calls.
  • Determine if a press release, web and/or voicemail updates are necessary.
  • Assess what resources are necessary to manage the crisis (i.e. cell-phone availability, press conference needs, on-location resources – signs, lectern, visuals).
  • Appoint staff to:
    • Serve as the official spokesperson and manage media;
    • Keep important external stakeholders
    • Contact partners, allies, members, etc. and assist with sector-wide talking points, if appropriate; and
    • Record crisis details, actions are taken, external responses, resolution.

Going Public

  • Begin placing telephone calls to critical internal audiences, including staff, board and/or legislators, etc.
  • Begin media and other external audience outreach, use press release if appropriate.
  • Update website and organization phone mail, if needed.
  • Evaluate message effectiveness as the situation progresses.
  • Implement methods for updating key audiences with ongoing information.
  • Distribute post-crisis communications.

Instruction to BL-CC-3/5 M2 Participant

This section is for Module 2 participants attending the BL-CC-3 Module 2 Facilitated workshop, this is the additional instruction to complete your CC Plan assignment.

Refer to the text of each of the sections within this page which are highlighted in italics for further explanation when attempting the Module 2 assignment.

In this set of guidance notes for the CC plan, the displayed content provides the participants with the objectives and content for the specific section of the plan. It is essential to note the CC Plan differs as it can be developed as a standalone plan or as a CM team member or sub-unit plan within the crisis management or business continuity plan.