Template:ORBoK CL 1OR CL 2OR CL 3OR

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OR BoK BoK Breakdown OR Competency Level
OR BoK P1: Plan
  1. OR BoK 1: Assess Capability and Maturity
  2. OR BoK 2: Analyse Gap
  3. OR BoK 3: Develop Strategy and Roadmap
  4. OR BoK 4: Confirm Risk Appetite
  5. OR BoK 5: Develop and Embed Governance
CL 1OR: Foundation (OR)
OR BoK 2: Implement
  1. OR BoK 6: Identify Critical Business Services
  2. OR BoK 7: Map Processes and Resources
  3. OR BoK 8: Set Impact Tolerance
  4. OR BoK 9: Conduct Scenario Testing
  5. OR BoK 10: Improve Lesson Learnt
CL 2OR: Intermediate (OR)
OR BoK 3: Sustain
  1. OR BoK 11 Introduce Cultural Change Management
  2. OR BoK 12 Develop Communication Strategy
  3. OR BoK 13 Implement Training and Awareness
  4. OR BoK 14 Provide Self-assessment
  5. OR BoK 15 Conduct Independent Quality Review
CL 3OR: Advanced (OR)