Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

From BCMpedia. A Wiki Glossary for Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery (DR).
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1. Uninterrupted Power Supply or UPS is a device that provides instantaneous power cutover when utility power fails, usually by storing excess capacity in one or more batteries.

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(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)


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2. A backup electrical power supply that provides continuous power to critical equipment in the event that commercial power is lost. The UPS (usually a bank of batteries) offers short-term protection against power surges and outages. The UPS usually only allows enough time for vital systems to be correctly powered down.

(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)

(Source: ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency. BCM & Resilience Glossary)