Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

2. A COOP provides guidance on the system restoration for emergencies, disasters, mobilization, and for maintaining a state of readiness to provide the necessary level of information processing support commensurate with the mission requirements/priorities identified by the respective functional proponent. This term traditionally is used by the Federal Government and its supporting agencies to describe activities otherwise known as Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity (BC), Business Resumption, or Contingency Planning.
(Source: Disaster Recovery Institute International / Disaster Recovery Journal - DRII/DRJ)
3. A COOP provides guidance on the system restoration for emergencies, disasters, mobilization, and for maintaining a state of readiness to provide the necessary level of information processing support commensurate with the mission requirements/priorities identified by the respective functional proponent. The US Federal Government and its supporting agencies traditionally use this term to describe activities otherwise known as Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Business Resumption, or Contingency Planning.
(Source: PDD-NSC-67)