Crisis Communication Checklist

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Revision as of 18:58, 14 November 2010 by Moh heng (talk | contribs) (→‎Response (Activity) Y-axis)
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  • Nature of Crisis:
  • Date of Occurrence:
  • Time:

Matrix of Checklist X-axis

  • Response (Activity)
  • By Whom
  • Date
  • Time
  • Comment

Response (Activity) Y-axis

  • Command Centre Setup
  • Crisis Management Team Activated
  • Key Stakeholder Notified
    • CEO
    • Legal Team
    • etc
  • Basic Facts Gathered
    • What happened?
    • When?
    • Caused?
    • Number of death?
    • Number of injuries?
    • Extend of damage?
    • Name/ Title of decreased?
    • Name/ Title of injury?
    • What is being done?
    • Emergency official on scene?
    • Estimated return of normalcy?
    • Notification of next of kin of deceased or injured
    • Dissemination of fact of crisis?
    • Contact company officials
    • Contact city officials
    • Contact county officials
    • Contact government officials
    • Contact employees
    • Contact emergency services official
    • Contact stockholder
    • Contact board of director
    • Contact volunteers
    • Contact competitors
    • Contact TV Station 1
    • Contact TV Station 2
    • Contact Radio News Station I
    • Contact Radio News Station 2
    • Contact Newspaper 1
    • Contact Newspaper 2
    • News Conference