Advisory Council

From BCMpedia. A Wiki Glossary for Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery (DR).
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  • The Advisory Council (AC) has been established to create an international Advisory group of senior and eminent persons who are private sector BCM professionals. They are typically subject matter experts, industry specialists and/or academics who are active and have a vital interest in the programs and actions of BCM Institute.
  • It is envisioned that this body would provide consultative and Advisory commentaries on a range of issues and initiatives related to cross-border Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) executive education and research. Moreover, members of the AC would be expected to engage in the following activities to support the mission and goals of BCM Institute:
    • Promote the mission, goals and services of BCM Institute to external global organizations, institutions and agencies;
    • Advocate the value of being training by, and seeking membership in BCM Institute;
    • Provide recommendations, feedback and commentary on BCM and DRP research, marketing activities, partnership proposals, conference and seminar events, and general services of BCM Institute;
    • Serve as a reviewer of research manuscripts that align with the AC member's expertise, experience and training;
    • Advise the executive of BCM Institute, namely the President and Senior Management team of BCM Institute on potential education, marketing and partnership projects that align with the mission and goals of BCM Institute; and
    • Serve as non financial endorsers, speakers and hosts at meetings, seminars and events organized by BCM Institute.

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