Benny Lim

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Benny Lim, BCCE, Vice President, Head, Service Continuity Management Asia Pacific, Citibank

Benny is currently the Head of Service Continuity Management, Asia Pacific at Citibank.

Voluntary Appointment within BCM Institute

Benny is an Associate Instructor with BCM Institute.

Past Employment

He has been with Citi for the last 25 years in Technology and holding current position since 2000


  • GCE "A" Levels, Raffles Institution, Singapore

Professional Certification


  • Completed Long Distance Data Replication Study and conducted Proof of Concept testing on replication from Singapore to London in 2003
  • Completed Out of Country Disaster Recovery Study in 2006 and implemented solution by establishing the backup for the Singapore Data Centers in Hong Kong in 2007. Testing was completed in 2007 involving more than 20 countries from Asia Pacific and EMEA.