Business Continuity Culture

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1. Business Continuity Culture or BC Culture is the "way of life" for an entire BCM program within an organization.
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Notes (1): The key components of culture can be designated into values, roles, norms and artifacts.
Notes (2): For example:

  • Value: The formulation of a formal organizational policy on business continuity is an outward exhibition of the underlying value.
  • Roles: The establishment of formal BCM Steering Committee and the designation of Organization BCM Coordinator appointment illustrate the roles component of BCM culture.
  • Norms: Periodic tests and exercises, and annual audit of the BC Plan represent the norms expected of continuing, relevant and vibrant BCM Program in an organization.
  • Artifacts: These are systems, comprising objects and processes, created to support BCM efforts and goals. The setting up and operation at an alternate site is an illustration of such a system to support recovery efforts and goals.

Notes (1): BCM encompasses the business continuity (BC), crisis communication (CC), crisis management (CM) or disaster recovery (DR) planning and plan.
Related Term: Business Continuity Planning, Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), Program Management

BCM Institute's Professional Training and Certification
BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 7: Program Management CL 3B: Advanced (BC)

Click to know more about expert level training

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)


Managing and Sustaining Your Business Continuity Management Program