Business Services

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1. Business Services is a service provided to an external end-user that the business performs.
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Business Services:

Notes (1): services that can be identified clearly as a single service and are not a collection of services.

Notes (2): should be able to have an impact tolerance set against it.

Notes (3): should be able to identify its end-users clearly so that the impact of disruption can be clearly defined.

Notes (4): is a service that an organisation provides to external end-users.

Notes (5): must be defined through the lens of the end-users and not how the business is structured.

Notes (6): must be identifiable as a separate service, not as a collection of services or by business lines.

Notes (7): focus on customer and reputational impacts.

Notes (8): can be one challenge for implementers to identify the critical-important business service. Often, it is difficult to determine whether the service falls under one of three categories: business services, internal services, or underpinning services.

Notes (9): is an external-facing service that is provided to customers of the FSIs (Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2022)

Notes (10): includes the following examples: Online customer portals, Mobile applications, Communication channels, Logistics and delivery services and Financial services

Related Term: Business Services, Important Business Services, Critical Business Services, Critical Operations, Internal Services, Underpinning Services

BCM Institute's Professional Training and Certification

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 0: BCM Fundamentals CL 1B: Foundation (BC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 0: BCM Fundamentals CL 1C: Foundation (CM)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 0: BCM Fundamentals CL 1CC: Foundation (CC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 0: BCM Fundamentals CL 1D: Foundation (DR)

OR Body of Knowledge OR Competency Level
OR BoK 1: P1 Plan CL 1OR: Foundation (OR)

OR Body of Knowledge OR Competency Level
OR BoK 1: P1 Plan CL 1ORA: Foundation (ORA)
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(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

A Manager’s Guide to Operational Resilience (eBook)