Call Tree

From BCMpedia. A Wiki Glossary for Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery (DR).
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1. Refer to Notification Test.

Similar Term: Call Tree, Telephone Call Tree Test, Cascading Test, Telephone Notification Call Tree Test, Notification Call Tree

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. A structured cascade process (system) that enables a list of persons, roles and/or organisations to be contacted as a part of an information or plan invocation procedure.

(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)

3. A structured cascade method (system) that enables a list of persons, roles and/or organisations to be contacted as a part of a plan invocation procedure or in order to disseminate information. Graphically depicts the calling responsibilities and the calling order used to contact management, employees, customers, vendors, and other key contacts in the event of an emergency, disaster, or severe outage situation.

(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)

(Source: ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency. BCM & Resilience Glossary)