Certification Courses - Disaster Recovery

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Our Country Manager Khun with the participants, Dec 2008, DRP-300, Bangkok, Thailand

DRP-300 and DR Certified Specialist

DRCS Certification
DRCS Certification

DRP-300 is a 2.5 day intermediate level course with a 100 multiple choice question examination on the last day. Each candidate must achieve a score of 75% or higher to be eligible to apply for the DR Certified Specialist (DRCS) Certification. The successful candidate must also possess a minimum of one year of DRP experience to be eligible for the DRCS Certification. This course is designed and developed for IT Disaster Recovery (DR) Managers and Planners, IT Professionals dealing with specific area within the DR planning process, and any IT professional embarking on their IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) career. Candidates will be introduced to the key concepts of developing business continuity and disaster recovery strategies, design and implementation of DR plans, and preparing and conducting awareness and training programmes. This course is a pre-requisite course for the DRP-400 course.

Our DRP instructor ' with the participants, Feb 2009, DRP-5000, Singapore

DRP-400 and DR Certified Expert

DRP-400 is a 2.5 day advanced level IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and DR Project Management course with a 150 multiple choice question examination on the last day. Each candidate must achieve a score of 75% or higher to be eligible to apply for the DR Certified Expert (DRCE) Certification. Candidates shall also demonstrate and provide evidence that they have a minimum three years of IT DRP experience. Candidates will be equipped with the skills to manage organisational DRP programmes and strategies effectively.

Participants busy with their case studies, Feb 2009, DRP-5000, Singapore

DRP-5000 and DR Certified Expert

DRCE Certification
DRCE Certification

DRP-5000 is a 4.5 day advance level IT DRP and DR Project Management course with a 150 multiple choice question examination on the last day. Each candidate must achieve a score of 75% or higher to be eligible to apply for the DR Certified Expert (DRCE) Certification. Candidates must also demonstrate and provide evidence that they have a minimum three years of IT DRP experience. The candidates will be taught how to manage DRP programmes, develop recovery strategies to support critical IT and infrastructure components, conceptualize and implement comprehensive DR plans, design and implement DRP awareness and training programmes, conduct DRP exercises and tests, and undertake DRP audit and assessment programmes to ensure DR plan effectiveness. This course is designed to train IT Disaster Recovery managers, planners, and project managers.
