Certification Review Committee Terms of Reference

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Certification Review Committee
Terms of Reference – Version 1.0


The overall purpose of the Certification Review Committee (hereafter referred to as the “Subcommittee”) is to
a) Support the mission, purpose and function of BCM Institute;
b) Provide direction and oversight in the certification, and this direction would serve as a blueprint for ensuring implementation of consistent, systematic BC and DR certification for participants; and
c) Reviews and makes recommendations on proposed policy changes and amendments to BCM Institute’s management involving certification practices.

Roles & Responsibilities

This Subcommittee will be responsible for directing the quality of certification and the certification review procedure for Professional Members of BCM Institute. The roles & responsibilities of the Subcommittee include:

1. Subcommittee’s Membership
A multi-disciplinary Subcommittee inclusive of all BC, DR and Audit practitioners with an interest in the propagation of similar activities, raising the standard in the advocacy and practice of sound BC and DR principles in Singapore and the region.

2. Its Values

a) The multi-disciplinary nature of its membership including the complementary range of expertise and professional qualities each member adds
b) the contribution, cooperation and collaboration of all members, volunteers, staff and stakeholder groups
c) the sharing, upgrading and broadening of members’ knowledge and skills
d) the ethical principles of BC and DR Professionals and the maintenance of strong ethical practices in dealing with other organizations and the public
e) the application of BC and DR methodology or Body of Knowledge as these underpin and steer best practice within industries
f) collaborating with like organizations and agencies, to achieve common goals, for the benefit of members and the community
g) Members of the Subcommittee would review the certification process, internal procedures to ensure that the due process is of the highest standard of due diligence.
h) To also review those who do not pass their initial certification process, and to suggest recommendations for the applicant to consider

3. Operations
The following operational activities, typically carried out by the operational staff of BCM Institute, shall be initiated, directed and/or approved by the Certification Review Committee:
a) Meet the requirements of member’s further education requirements eg. For those progressing from a lower Certification (ie BCCP/DRCP, towards BCCE/DRCE)
b) The Chairperson of Subcommittee is to call committee meetings of the Sub Committee and set Agenda.
c) Constitute a review panel, advising both the Advisory Council and management on appeals regarding satisfaction of the professional development requirements for certificate holders.

Structure & Function

The Advisory Council of BCM Institute endorses the structure of Subcommittee as follows:

Chairman of the Certification Review Committee - 1 person
Member of the Certification Review Committee   - 1 person
Member of the Certification Review Committee   - 1 person
Member of the Subcommittee (Exofficio)           - 1 (President of BCM Institute)
Member of the Subcommittee(Exofficio)            - 1 (Executive Director or President’s assignee)

Recruitment, Appointment & Service

Recruitment for the Subcommittee Subcommittee shall begin in Jan/Feb of each year, for commencement of service in the following year. The call for nominations is from a selected body of possible candidates proposed by the serving Subcommittee, or from a list of names approved by the Advisory Council

If insufficient nominations received, the Subcommittee Subcommittee reserves the right to co-opt members, with approval of the Advisory Council. Ideally it is recommended that

a) Subcommittee Subcommittee members can serve for at least 2 years for each term.
b) The Chairperson serves for 2 years in this position.
c) The Vice Chairperson serves at least one year in this position with the intention of becoming the Chairperson.
d) No more than 50% of the Certification Sub Committee members to leave in any one year. Subcommittee members have the option of being re-elected for a further 1 or 2 years and beyond
e) Members who are retiring and involved in the Advisory Council are encouraged to continue and complete their duties at the completion of their Advisory Council tenure.
f) Subcommittee members are able to be a member of both Subcommittee and the Advisory Council
g) Subcommittee members are encouraged to seek election to Advisory Council at the completion of their time on the sub-committee or at the same time

Certification Review Committee’s Approved Policies & Procedures


a) REGULAR MEETINGS - The Subcommittee will meet at least two (2) times in each calendar year, with regular meetings generally scheduled every other month. Annually, in March, a regular meeting of the Subcommittee shall be an "in person" meeting, providing the BCM Institute’s budget can cover the attendance expenses of Subcommittee members. The remainder of the meetings may be via teleconference or any means permitting all participating members to simultaneously hear each other. Subcommittee members participating in such manner will be deemed present in person at said meeting. Any regularly scheduled meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled by the Chairperson.

b) SPECIAL MEETINGS - Any meeting not a regular scheduled meeting will be deemed a "Special Meeting." Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson upon the request of any Subcommittee member. Such special meetings will convene for the specific purpose for which the meeting is called. No other business may be considered at a special meeting except that for which the meeting was called. Notice of the special meeting must be delivered by facsimile, email or surface mail to all members of the Subcommittee at least 5 working days prior to the date of the meeting. Said notice shall specify the purpose for which the meeting is called. The chance assembly of a quorum does not constitute a special meeting of the Subcommittee for purposes of conducting certification review business.

c) PARTICIPATION - Subcommittee members who fail to attend at least one Subcommittee "in person" meeting annually, or two or more consecutive regular meetings of the Certification Review Committee, shall be asked to resign from the Certification Review Committee. Any vacancy resulting from such resignation will be filled in accord with the "Vacancies" section of this Article. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by the Subcommittee’s Chairperson and the Executive Director of the Institute.

d) REMOVAL - Elected members of the Subcommittee may be removed from the Subcommittee, with or without cause, by including a vote for their removal and a vote for a replacement on the next annual election of Subcommittee’s members ballot.

e) VACANCIES - In the event of a vacancy in an elected Subcommittee member position, a qualified BCM Institute member shall be elected by a nomination, second, and a majority vote of the Subcommittee members in office at the time of the election. The Subcommittee member thusly elected shall serve until a permanent replacement for the vacancy is elected at the next regular Subcommittee election by the membership. Appointed Subcommittee member positions will always be filled by the person acting in the position designated as an appointed Subcommittee member.

f) COMPENSATION - Members of the Subcommittee may not be compensated for their services rendereds, or utilize their Subcommittee position for personal gain, directly or indirectly. Members of the Subcommittee employed by the BCM Institute or contracted by the BCM Institute to perform specific duties or functions for the BCM Institute shall not be deemed in conflict with this provision.


a)GENERAL – Subcommittees are established to focus on specific areas of interest and recommend action or report findings to the Advisory Council. Subcommittees do not possess any powers to take action independent of the Advisory Council.

Each Subcommittee shall consist of, but not be limited to, at least two Subcommittee members. Each committee member will serve at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Subcommittee. The Chairperson of the Subcommittee may define and appoint Subcommittees as required.

b) STANDING COMMITTEES - The standing Subcommittees are: Appeals & Ethics; Policies and Procedures; Certification; ReCertification and Nominating. These roles may exist separately within standing committees formed and reporting to the Certification Review Committee, or these functions may be performed collectively within the current Subcommittee for expediency.


a) CONTINUING EDUCATION - The Subcommittee will ensure that procedures are developed to define the continuing education requirements of all persons professionally certified from BCM Institute. The procedures will include the data collection, monitoring and verification of an individual's continuing professional education.


a) REVIEW and LIMITATIONS - These Policies and Procedures will be reviewed annually for changes necessary to maintain currency and effectiveness with respect to the mission of the BCM Institute and the BCM Institute’s Certification Review Committee. Any proposed changes may not put the BCM Institute’s Policies and Procedures in conflict with its mission & vision, existing governing laws & statutes. These Policies and Procedures may be amended, repealed, or added to in the manner described below.

b) HOW REVISED – Any certified/accredited member in good standing of the Institute may at any time propose in writing, signed by them and addressed to the Certification Review Committee, the amendment or repeal of any existing provision of, or the addition of any new provision to these Policies and Procedures.

c) NOTICE - Such proposed amendments, repeals, or additions shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the Certification Review Committee. No such proposed amendment, repeal, or addition shall be considered at any meeting of the Subcommittee unless notice of the proposal has been given to each member of the Subcommittee at least 10 working days prior to the meeting.

d) QUORUM REQUIRED - At a regular Subcommittee meeting and with a quorum present, the proposed amendment, repeal, or addition to the Policies and Procedures shall be introduced by a motion and a second to be considered and voted upon by the members present. If a simple majority of the members present vote in favor of such amendment, repeal, or addition, it shall be considered as adopted by the Certification Review Committee. A proposed amendment can be adopted by an unanimous vote by the members of the Subcommittee present at the meeting without satisfying the ten (10) working day written notice requirement.

e) EFFECTIVE DATE - Amendments to these Policies and Procedures shall have an effective date specified on the amendment by the Subcommittee when adopted.