Choy Kin Chong

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Choy Kin Chong is the Head of Security and Emergency Planning at SMRT Corporation Ltd.

Prior to this, he served the SAF in various Command and Staff appointments for 34 years. His appointments in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) included Defence Attache to the Republic of the Philippines, Deputy Chief Operations Officer at United Nation Peacekeeping Mission in Iraq and Kuwait, Head Exercises Planning in the Army and Commander of 9th Division Artillery.

After joining SMRT in 2001, he has attended numerous Security and Emergency planning seminars in Tokyo, Maryland USA, Sydney, London, Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen, Lisbon and Montreal. In 2008, he was the guest speaker at the Public Transport Security Conference at Berlin; and in 2010, the main speaker at the Master Class of Metro Rail Asia at New Delhi.

Over the years, he has completed an Emergency Planning course at UK Emergency Planning College and was a certified in Disaster and Emergency Management by the National University of Singapore. He has also accumulated substantial experiences in CBRE training and Public Transport Security management. In 2010, he was qualified as a Business Continuity Certified Expert by the BCM Institute, Singapore.

He is a member of the Singapore Public Transport Security Committee as well as the UITP Security Commission.