Common Area for Safety Violation

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Recovery Procedure: Common Area for Safety Violation

Plan Development Template: Recovery Procedure Page 1 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd
Plan Development Template: Recovery Procedure Page 2 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd
  • WHAT
    • EM-04 Common Area for Safety Violation


  • HOW
    • List “Common Area for Safety Violation”
    • Keep an updated register of Temporary Occupation Licence’s or TOL’s granted
    • Conduct regular inspections of common areas to identify violations of obstruction

Recovery & Resumption

Within T+1 Day

  • HOW
    • Establish communication with Call Centre located at alternate site
    • Continue communication with Call Centre on report or complaints of violation via TCMS
    • Continue and focus inspections of complaints to prevent violations from occurring
    • Commence operation from alternate site

Restoration & Return

  • HOW
    • Update all manual reporting to IEMS