Crisis Communications Speaker Presentation The Don'ts In a Crisis

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Crisis Communications Speaker Presentation The Don'ts In a Crisis

When preparing to give a speech

  • Assume that you can "wing it"-- almost no one can.
  • Decide you are better "off the cuff"--almost no one is.
  • Use type that is too small to read with a dim light and margins too narrow for notes.
  • Leave too little time to practice adequately.

When you arrive at your engagement

  • Be late.
  • Forget the group's contact person's name.
  • Fail to check your equipment.

When you are speaking

  • Mumble your remarks to the podium.
  • Speak to loudly into the microphone.
  • Allow yourself to wander away from your prepared text.
  • Tell an unprepared anecdote or joke, or make "top of mind" remarks.
  • Speak longer than time allotted.

When you are answering questions

  • Become defensive or emotional.
  • Assume that tough questions are personal.
  • Answer more than the question itself.
  • Allow one person to dominate the question period.