Crisis Communications Top Tips

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Avoiding Communications Mistakes

Top Ten Tips for the Savvy Communicator

  • First do no harm. Your words have consequences—be sure they’re the right ones.
  • Don’t babble. Know what you want to say. Say it . . . then say it again.
  • If you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop talking.
  • Focus more on informing people than impressing them. Use everyday language.
  • Never say anything you are not willing to see printed on tomorrow’s front page.
  • Never lie. You won’t get away with it.
  • Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
  • Don’t use “No Comment.” You’ll look like you have something to hide.
  • Don’t get angry. When you argue with the media, you always lose . . . and lose publicly.
  • Don’t speculate, guess, or assume. When you don’t know something, say so.