Emily Landis Walker

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Emily Landis Walker provides expert consulting services through LANDIS, where she acts as CEO. With a regional concentration in the Middle East, her clients include financial institutions and corporations, particularly in the oil and gas sector. Emily is developing a private equity fund for Iraq and is an authorized MIGA business finder, identifying private sector projects in emerging economies that meet the World Bank group's qualifications for political risk insurance.

A senior global financial services expert with over 25 years international experience at the IMF, US Treasury, EBRD, Citibank and Barclays, Emily meets frequently in New York City, in Washington, DC and in London with financial institutions, government agencies and non-profit business organizations.

Emily actively serves on the Security and Resiliency Board of London First and since 2008 on the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) Private Sector Advisory Committee (PVTSCAC). She is a member of the US Technical Assistance Group to ISO TC 223, assisting in the development of international standards for societal security through emergency and crisis management.

She speaks regularly on such topics as "Investing in Iraq", "Business Resilience", "Emergency Preparedness", and "Lessons Learned from 9-11" in diverse forums in the US and abroad. She has also been an active political commentator, appearing on many United Kingdom radio and television broadcasts.

In 2008, Emily served as Head of Corporate Affairs for Barclays Global Retail and Commercial Bank (GRCB) based in London with extensive global travel. In this position, she developed the organizational operating structure for the GRCB Corporate Affairs function, organized the first ever Investor Conference for the GRCB, and managed multiple key international engagements for the CEO of the GRCB.

Prior to Barclays, Emily has 15 years experience with Citibank/Citigroup as a Managing Director in Emerging Markets Corporate Banking, Corporate and Investment Bank, Retail and Institutional Asset Management, Traveler’s Life and Annuity, and Global Wealth Management.

During 2006 she was seconded by Citigroup to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Rome to launch an Emergency Network as part of the partnership between Citigroup and WFP. In this role, she travelled extensively with the UN Special Envoy to Southern Africa.

In 2003 to 2004 she served on the “9-11 Commission” as Professional Staff Member and Family Liaison. She worked with the New York Team to research Chapter 9: Heroism and Horror of the Commission’s Report. Emily also spearheaded the recommendation for “National Standards for Emergency Preparedness” for the Private Sector, for which she received a National Award from the American National Standards Institute.

Emily represented the United States on the Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London at its inception in 1991. From 1989 to 1990 she served as Executive Secretary to the US Secretary of the Treasury, Nicholas Brady. She worked on the Brady Debt plan and G-7 Coordination. She also worked for 8 years at the International Monetary Fund on staff and in the U.S. Director’s office.

Emily has degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in International Affairs and French. She has passed the Investment Management Certificate part of the UKSIP Level 3 Certificate in Investment Management in the UK.