Guidance Notes-PD-v2

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Implementing Your Business Continuity Plan BUY!
Plan Development Template Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd

Guidance Notes to Complete the Business Continuity Plan Template

Plan Development Considerations

  • The sample plan provides examples of how to write a complete business continuity plan.
  • A plan should be thoroughly developed, addressing procedures to be used before, during and after a disaster.
  • These procedures should include methods for maintaining and updating the plan.
  • The sample plan illustrates the structure and writing styles mentioned above.
  • Some sections of the sample plan are written as examples that the organization can use in a plan, others are instructional.
  • The instructional sections provide information that should be considered when writing the specific segment.
  • This template provides only a sample of a complete business continuity plan.
  • Writing Tips
  • Useful Verbs

Part 0 Cover

This is the cover sheet for the Business Continuity Plan. These are the action needed to update your tempalte.

Table of Content

  • Click to access Table of Content
    • Business Continuity Plan Template: Part A, Part B and Part C

Checklist Prior to Submission (Part C)

Useful Link on related terms: BCMBoK 5: Plan Development

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