PD Checklist v2
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Checklist Prior to Submissin of Business Continuity Plan

Covering Sheet
- Did you replace “<Name of>” with your department name?
- Did you change the footer “<Department>” with your department name?
Table of Content
- Did you confirm the page numbering of your final plan and replace the page numbers accordingly?
Business Unit Recovery Procedures
- Did you start with a verb in your procedures?
- Did you remove all unused “bullet”?
- Did you insert the initials of the staff members under the “WHO” column?
- Have you contacted the other departments that your procedures will involve them?
- Remove unused boxes?
Annex 1 - Grab List
- If there is no grab list, insert a “NIL”?
- Do not include in your grab list “keys” as Admin will have the entire set of keys kept offsite.
Annex 2 - Business Unit Call tree
- Is “call tree” inserted into the plan?
- Are the telephone numbers inserted below the names?
- Have you inserted the initials, e.g. Vincent Lim as VL, next to the name?
- Are the telephone numbers provided indicated as (pg) for pager and (hp) for handphone telephone numbers
- Are all the department members included in the call tree? Including those non-critical ones?
- Have you ensured that the essential staff is contacted first i.e. higher in the call tree?
- Do not shade the boxes in the organisation chart as it will be difficult to photocopy later?
- Remove text “Note: Use MS PowerPoint Organisational Chart function to develop your department call tree” after inserting your department call tree?
Annex 3 - Status Report
- Bulleted list item
- Update the telephone numbers of the alternate site when the number is available? (not needed at the moment)
Re: Status Reports
Annex 4 - Offsite Office Layout
- To be updated when the alternate office is available? (not needed at the moment)
- Have you indicated with initials of your staff on the location map of the alternate office? (not needed at the moment)
- Have you removed the words ” (Intentionally Left blank till the offsite office is ready)” from the chart? (not needed at the moment)
Annex 5 - Facilities, Equipment, Material and Vital Records
- If the network PC and Telephone “Physically available at Offsite Office” really needed during the first 24 hours?
- Is all vital record and forms identified? Provide description and form number if possible?
- Is your vital records already kept offsite already? If it is part of the normal operational requirement, it need not be included?
Annex 6 -Key Contacts
- Is all the key contact telephone numbers available?
- Remove column “After Hours TEL No.” if it is not necessary?
- Insert additional column “Name of Contact” if needed?

Annex 7 -'Distribution and Approval
- Are the numbers of copies to be distributed correctly?
- In APPROVAL (FOR ANNEXES ONLY), have you inserted the names of the head of the department (Name of Head of Department) and yours (Name & signature of Dept Rep) into the respective row?
- Have you change "One at the offsite office" to “Name of Alternate Site”?
- Have you and your head of department sign-off on this page?
Instruction to BL-B-3/5 M2 and WSQ-BCM-320 M2-S1 Participant
The section is for Module 2 participants attending the BL-B-5 Module 2 or WSQ-BCM-310 Module 2 Session 2 facilitated workshop, this is the additional instruction to complete your Business Continuity Strategy.
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