Mohammad Bey Abduh Damhudji Sonata

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Mohammad Bey Abduh Damhudji Sonata

Dr.( Medical Doctor)

Mr. M Bey A D Sonata is a National Project Coordinator for Business Continuity in Time of Pandemic project in the ILO Jakarta Office. The project is aiming to assist the employers and workers to prepare for and respond to the influenza pandemic. The project also assists governmental agencies and other stakeholders in the implementation of existing national strategies that will provide support for workplace level. The main project activities is to promote business continuity planning at enterprises level by facilitating 2 days TOT workshop and assisting step down training at supply-distribution chain of trained enterprises.

Prior to joining the ILO Jakarta, he was the UN Pandemic Preparedness Planning Coordinator in UN Country Office Indonesia where he worked on pandemic influenza preparedness for UN country office as well as UN agencies in Indonesia. He revised the UN Country Team Contingency plan for influenza pandemic and also assists UN agencies in Indonesia to develop and revise its preparedness plan for influenza pandemic.

During his assignment with the ILO Jakarta, he actively assists the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration in Indonesia in developing a set of guidance book for private sector: Business Continuity Planning for Influenza Pandemic.

He has a Bachelor of Medicine and a Medical Doctor.