RS FAQ General Comments v2

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Back >> Guidance Notes to Complete the Recovery Strategy Template

Recovery Strategy Template Page 1 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd
Recovery Strategy Template Page 2 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd

These are some of the observations made during the review of the Recovery Strategy template. Participants completing this form should review this list before submission.

  • The additional blank rows (e.g. row 4 in page 1) are provided for if there is any additional information that is "spilled" from the previous row.
    • If it is not used, please delete the row.
  • Make sure that the Business Unit (BU) BCM Coordinator return the document (that was commented by the reviewer) and NOT use their oriiginal submitted document.
  • There is a need to include a cover sheet for sign off at the individual RS submission.
  • Column 3 and 4 should be:
    • "left justified" and also "Horizontally justified" by the reviewer.
    • inserted with bullet points for each strategy highlighted
    • Start with a verb (if possible).