S&CC Collections

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Recovery Procedure: S&CC Collections

  • WHAT
    • FIN-03 S&CC Collections


  • HOW
    • Set up procedures for manual collection of S&CC collections
    • Prepare template of circulars for disruption in services
    • Conduct dry runs in preparation of such events

Immediate Response

  • HOW
    • Inform Finance/ Call Centre team of incident and need to implement manual collections
    • Instruct Finance staff to report to alternate site
    • Place posters/ circulars in prominent areas advising residents of disruption in services
    • Deploy staff to divert residents who may turn up at the office to make payment for S&CC collections

Recovery & Resumption

Within T+1 Hour and onwards

  • HOW
    • To assess situation at the main office to see if further crowd control measures needed
    • Inform PR Team to update situation on the website

Restoration & Return

  • HOW
    • Inform PR Team to update residents via circulars and update website once operations resume back to normal
    • Advise all staff to return back to main office