Simulation Exercise

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1. Simulation Exercise is ....

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. Test performed under conditions as close as practicable to real world conditions.

(Source: ISO 22399:2007 – Societal Security - Guideline for Incident Preparedness and Operational Continuity Management) - clause 3.43

3. A test in which participants perform some or all of the actions they would take in the event of plan activation. Simulation exercises are performed under conditions as close as practicable to ‘‘real world’’ conditions.

(Source: ASIS International - ASIS International)

4. One method of exercising teams in which participants perform some or all of the actions they would take in the event of plan activation. Simulation exercises, which may involve one or more teams, are performed under conditions that at least partially simulate disaster mode. They may or may not be performed at the designated alternate location and typically use only a partial recovery configuration.

(Source: ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency. BCM & Resilience Glossary)