Supplier Criticality

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1. Supplier Criticality is to perform an impact analysis and prioritization of its impact of the suppliers' failure to deliver their product and services.

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 0: BCM Fundamentals CL 1B: Foundation (BC)

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. Supplier Criticality is a result of an assessment to identify suppliers whose failure to deliver contracted products or services would significantly impact on the organisation; failure of a critical supplier to deliver products or services in accordance with an agreement would and materially affect the ability of the receiving organisation to conduct its business.

  • Note 1:: The organisation needs to define the criteria to be used when evaluating the criticality of suppliers.

(Source: ISO 22318 Societal security – Business continuity management — Guidance on supply chain continuity)