Top Management

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1. Refer to Executive Management.
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(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level.

A Manager’s Guide to ISO 22301 Standard for Business Continuity Management System

Notes (1) : Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the organization

Notes (2) : If the scope of the management system covers only part of an organization then top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization.

(Source: ISO 22301:2012 – Societal Security – Business Continuity Management Systems - Requirements) - clause 3.53

3. Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level.

(Source: ISO 22390:2011 - Societal Security - Guidelines for Exercises and Testing) - clause 3.30

4. Directors and officers of an organization that can ensure effective management systems, including financial monitoring and control systems, have been put in place to protect assets, earning capacity and the reputation of the organization.

(Source: ISO 22399:2007 – Societal Security - Guideline for Incident Preparedness and Operational Continuity Management) - clause 3.49