Useful Pandemic Influenza Website Links

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Back >> Pandemic Flu Glossary

Singapore Ministry of Health Singapore

Ministry of Health Singapore DORSCON Alert Level
Ministry of Health Singapore Pandemic Preparedness Clinics (PPC)
  • Details of the Influenza Pandemic Plan
    • Main Document: Influenza Pandemic Readiness & Response Plan (158KB)
    • Annex A: Summary of Key Control Measures (59KB)
    • Annex B: Surveillance (23KB)
    • Annex C: Management of Cases (68KB)
    • Annex D: Control Measures in Healthcare Setting (18KB)
    • Appendix 1: Guidelines for the Use of PPE in relation to Protection Against Influenza in Healthcare Settings Before and During an Influenza Pandemic (32KB)
    • Appendix 2: Cleaning Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities (31KB)
    • Annex E: Management of Contacts (17KB)
    • Annex F: Contact Tracing (13KB)
    • Appendix 1: Institution Contact Tracing (40KB)
    • Annex G: Quarantine (10KB)
    • Annex H: Use of Anti-virals (25KB)
    • Annex I: Management of the Dead (39KB)
    • Annex J: Border Health Control Measures (17KB)
    • Annex K: Crisis Communications (26KB)

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