Venkataram Arabolu

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Venkataram Arabolu

Venkataram Arabolu is the Managing Director of BSI Management India.With 15 years of Risk Management practical experiences, he'd developed risk management models that prove useful for the various organisations he'd faciliated workshops in. His experience too has helped in the development and creation of British Standards Institute (BSI) Risk Management courses.

Career Highlights

    • As director of the new certifcation sytem he was the prime driver of the ISO9000 certifications in certification operations across Middle East, South and South East Asia
    • He also headed the internal global business re-engineering project as part of his directorship

Previous Employment

    • Director,New Certification Business System, Det Norske Veritas
    • Field Engineer, Det Norskes Veritas
    • Field Engineer, Simon Carves


  • Graduate of IIT Delhi (1974)

Other Professional Qualification

  • Attended the Advanced Management Development Programme, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland