Warm Site

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1. A Warm Site provides an environment and basic infrastructure to enable the facility to be reinstated before its absence becomes critical to business survival. It may have most of the equipment required except, perhaps, items that can be quickly supplied.
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Similar Terms: Warm Backup Site.

Related Terms: Alternate Site.

Notes: A Warm Site will have all the basic infrastructure, environment, equipment and facilities required for operations and will simply require the installation of systems, applications and data.

BCM Institute's Professional Training and Certification
BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy CL 2B: Intermediate (BC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy CL 2C: Intermediate (CM)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy CL 2CC: Intermediate (CC)

BCMBoK Competency Level
BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy CL 2D: Intermediate (DR)
BL-B-5 Click to know more
Click to know more about expert level training

(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)

2. A site (data centre/ work area) which is partially equipped with hardware, communications interfaces, electricity and environmental conditioning capable of providing backup operating support.

A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan

(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)

3. An alternate processing site which is equipped with some hardware, and communications interfaces, electrical and environmental conditioning which is only capable of providing backup after additional provisioning, software or customization is performed.

(Source: Disaster Recovery Institute International / Disaster Recovery Journal - DRII/DRJ)

4. Partially equipped office space which contains some or all of the system hardware, software, telecommunications and power sources. The site may need to be prepared before receiving the system and recovery personnel.

(Source: ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency. BCM & Resilience Glossary)