Guidance Notes to Complete the Recovery Strategy Template

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Developing Recovery Strategy For Your Business Continuity Plan BUY!
BCM Planning Methodology:Business Continuity Strategy
BCM Planning Methodology:Business Continuity Strategy
Recovery Strategy Template Page 1 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd
Recovery Strategy Template Page 2 Copyright @ GMH Pte Ltd

Think of Business Continuity Strategy as:

  • A conceptual summary of recovery processes that must be carried out between the occurrence of a disaster and the time when normal operations are restored.
  • An alternate processing or interim ability to process data and continue providing critical service while a full recovery of the primary site is underway.

This is the template for documenting the Business Continuity strategy for individual business units.

Time (Column 1 from left)

  • Pre-crisis
  • Within X hours after occurrence of crisis during office hours (No access to Applications)
    • The strategy to be adopted immediately after the activation of the business continuity plan.
    • Beware that the users may not have access to its business applications.
  • After the X hours, when offsite office is set up with incomplete resources.
    • The strategy to be adopted when the users have limited access to the business application and alternate offices

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Critical Process (If any) (Column 2 from left)

This is the breakdown of the processes of the critical business functions as identified in the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) phase.

Business Continuity Strategy (Alternatives) (Column 3 from left)

Brief description of the Business Continuity Strategy to be adopted. You may want to start with several possible strategies initially and combine them into an effective Business Continuity strategy.

Remarks/ Reasons/ Justifications (Column 4 from left)

  • Remarks/ Justifications/ Reasons
    • A comparison may be made of the various strategies identified earlier. In this way, it should be possible to eliminate the least advantageous strategies, one by one, noting the reason for rejection. The preferred solution should emerge with the appropriate reasoning behind its selection.
  • Remarks
    • List the advantages, disadvantages, costs, benefits, assumptions made while deciding this strategy and any matters to be followed-up with other business units.
  • Remarks: Suggested Recovery Options

FAQ for Completion of Business Continuity Strategy Form

Useful Link on related terms: BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy

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