Rogue Connection

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1. Rogue connection refers to cyber criminals leveraging off flexible platforms such as [ (1) personal devices connected to the organisation's network, (2) work devices connected to public network or (3) leaving work devices unattended ] to gain unauthorised access and compromise the organisation's systems.

Related Term: Conduit Devices

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(Source: Business Continuity Management Institute - BCM Institute)


A Manager’s Guide to Business Continuity Management for Cybersecurity Incident Response

2. Rogue network devices range from wireless access points and personal laptops to any unmanaged asset connected to the corporate network. Organizations manage this risk using different controls, such as Network Address Control (NAC), 801.x authentication, separate Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) networks, and scanning for non-sanctioned or unknown devices. These unmanaged devices represent a significant threat as they can provide threat actors with an extremely flexible platform to enumerate and compromise the network in ways, which IT-managed devices may restrict.
Source: (Verizon, 2016)